miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023




1.    The project we are going to develop is a short project working in pairs. This is going to be a mini-work because their control with this tool (Genially) is completely new for them.

2.    They are beginners with the language, so this is my preference about choosing this modality. In this case is “flashcard quiz”.

3.    The subject of the mini project is about England/United Kingdom and their culture in general. The topic is related about the unit we are actually working.

4.    We explained the steps we are taking and we debated about the chosen topic with ideas they have of culture and things they know about the country.

5.    The roles in the groups must be clear. One of them is in charge of choosing the question and the other one of getting the image from the web to use in the tool. Both of them will make up the possibilities for the answers, three is in this case, two are wrong and one is the correct.

6.    The teacher is supervising the project constantly in case they had any doubt about the tool or the best way of doing it.

7.    The timing of the group is 2 weeks, 1 week to know about the tool and the project (4 sessions), and 1 week to introduce the projects to the rest of the students (2 sessions)

8.    Presentations must be short not to exhaust their classmates that are listening at that moment. One of them will make the oral introduction, while his/her partner is showing the project with the tool and the computer.

9.    The rest of the group must prepare, at least, 2 questions to make to the pair introducing the project (Has it been difficult for you to prepare the activity? / why did you choose this topic?)

10.  The use of the tool “Genially” has encourage my students to speak English in a different way and to use new app’s and new technologies. This is the aim of it, to approach to the language having fun and finding out new tools to reach the objectives.




lunes, 5 de junio de 2023


 I have enjoyed about classic tales from othe partner's blog, that I used it adapting the contents specifically to Christian Andersen's Tales. You can check the link here:


viernes, 2 de junio de 2023





We organised the class in groups (2-3 students max.)

To get the final product, we explained about Storyjumper and Prixton. In our case we used the first one because the level of English is not high enough.

We explained about the use of this tool and how they must work with. We prepared the work in their notebooks before doing it at the computer. We also searched the pictures we chose for the final project.

As they have access to computers at school, they can work in pairs or groups of three persons.

The goal of this activity is to introduce the final work to the other students in English, the application of the learning through the screen has a positive effect on the rest of students.

Most of the groups have worked the tool through the teacher account instead of create a new one in each case, it helped to save time and not to find the activity to long.

Creativity and the use of imagination was encouraged in a simple way. First I showed them how to create a new visual book on my own. They followed all the necessary steps to do it and took notes of the comple process.

They enjoyed the whole work: learn about a new tool, consider the way of learning in a different way, put into practice the writing through computers. 

I would change the time we needed to do it, we use it only 2 weeks (4 sessions). Next time I would work, at least, for one month (8-10 sessions).

They shared the finished projects with the links given by the tool itself, and they exposed to the group during one session. After their expositions, they discussed and debated about the things they most liked and enjoy, and characters and other aspects they would have done in a different way.

<div style="width: 480px;max-width:100%;"><a href="//www.storyjumper.com/book/showframe/158738271/Juniors-life" rel="nofollow" class="storyjumper-book" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="//www.storyjumper.com/book/coverImage/158738271/Juniors-life/480" alt="Book titled 'Junior's life'" style="border:none;width: 480px;max-width:100%;" /></a><a style="display: block; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto 20px; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none;" href="//www.storyjumper.com/book/read/158738271/Juniors-life">Read this book made on StoryJumper</a><script>!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=80;b.src=a+"//www.storyjumper.com/script/storyjumper-embed.js",b.async=true,b.setAttribute("defer",""),document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();</script></div>

sábado, 20 de mayo de 2023



Reflection on the use of ed-puzzle and the activity

I chose this video because we are actually learning vocabulary related to jobs and occupations, it suits the planning properly and we can use it as a real resource.

The learning objectives: learning vocabulary and expressions about jobs and occupations is essential for students of any age, young and adults, learning about this topic will enable children to talk about what jobs their family members do. They can also talk about their own interests and what they want to be when they grow up and talk about the places of work or even prepare for job interviews, in the case of our adult students.

First, we are going to talk about being a teacher and my own experience with this job. Then we are giving new vocabulary, writing, Reading, and spelling names of jobs they all know, other occupations, and their own jobs (before being retired). Later, we are going to try to find sentences to describe these all jobs, using the new vocabulary and the dictionaries. Finally, we will make a dictation with all the information given before.

In the second part of the session, we will introduce the video from Ed puzzle and we will explain, in detail, the way to approach it.

What went well and the students really enjoy the experience was the video itself and how to learn, practice and develop new vocabulary and expressions in such a different way so interactive and funny. They really enjoy the possibility of getting real resources on the net.

Next time I will improve this, doing shorter videos, making the process lighter, and trying to include different kinds of questions on my own. That is what it is useful for, to adapt authentic material in our classes or set it as homework, if we want to experiment with flipping our classes and carry out post-listening tasks in class.

The video we used and edited was this:


martes, 9 de mayo de 2023



         The learning objectives of this activity is to encourage cooperative work among students in order to reinforce strategies as self-regulation, plannin and, self-evaluation 

     The advantages of using TimeToast for this activity is to approach new technologies to the students, to know a new application to work with in groups  at class, and to show information in a different way.

     First, we have worked on reading texts about their favourite artists in music, given by the teacher previously. After making some comprehensive questions, we put in commons some basic information about these famous singers (Michael Jackson, Adele, David Bowie). I work in a school for adults, that is why we chose these artists from the students' generation.

     We had some problems with technologies, because our classrooms do not have any computers, so they had to use Timetoast with their mobiles phones, what is hard to do when you are a beginner on this area. Anyway, the students felt open-minded to this new way to work, little afraid from the start, but it finally worked.

     I would change the possibility to work at home too, but this is not necessarily a mishap. 

    Timetoast is a great resource to encourage your students to use new applications and technologies, to work in groups and discuss about any subject and, finally, to allow teachers to create and share timelines that help students understand and contextualize history.

Some examples of timelines made by the School for Adults' students are:




domingo, 23 de abril de 2023


  Reading habits have changed a lot during last years. What, in the beginning, was only an activity to take into account during holiday seasons, has now become a necessity, as an essential part of my spare time and as a way to find out many resources to be used in the classroom.

Some of the images depict that the texts they are reading obviously have been chosen by others (family, teachers...) The rest show clearly how people are involved in the process of choose in their own and, what is more, so it in the places they find in any moment or their daily routines to be included in.

They might be feeling so nice most of the time, especially in pictures number 1 and 5. The position of your body when you are reading is a good indicator on how much you are enjoying your stories. In pictures number 2 and 4, it seems to be part of an educational process from your family or at school itself.

When the subject is quite interesting to me, I read in both languages. Not the same when I must read about work or other disciplines that I am not rather interested on. Depending on the kind of texts I choose, so then I determine the language I use. For deep literature I usually read in Spanish, but that is not the only reason. If the mother tongue of the author is English I prefer reading in this language more than is Spanish. 

I always read paper books,  and talking about texts includes in other format, most of the times I prefer online ones.

I like reading in the evenings and when I spend time on the bus or travelling.

jueves, 20 de abril de 2023


 We are approaching to new applications and resources for English teachers in the classroom to help them how to innovate in our daily routines.



  GENIALLY 1.     The project we are going to develop is a short project working in pairs. This is going to be a mini-work because their c...